Thursday, May 24, 2012

A walk through the village...

Don't let their size fool you. They're part of a motorcycle gang. Their 3 year old brother already has a handlebar 'stache...
Ahh, I bet you're beginning to wonder, when, exactly, does Ryan go anywhere on foot?

You did read my bio, yeah? You know... gamer... indoors... kind of precludes using the ol' footsies much.

You can have your blog back daddy... for now!

Alright, alright... so I do actually walk around. Quite a bit, actually. Today though, I had the pleasure of taking a stroll through Saang.

Where my mom thought I was going to live.

We rode down to administer some tests for a computer class Jacob is leading for the children in Father's House. I believe some non-Father's-House residents come too, but i'm not an expert on who's who yet.

The 'what do you mean a test?!?' look is universal, it seems.
This was a lot of fun - especially when we got to test the other teachers. I got to listen to them chide each other and egg each other on, all without needed to know what they were actually saying.

Once that was done, we tested the children. They scored high marks, which is quite promising. What's interesting is that the test called for drawing lines from the English word to the computer image, and the truly dedicated ones were using graphing rulers! I'm going to enjoy teaching here a great deal.

We were briefly interrupted by a small, blonde boy who walked through the middle of the class to stare into the fish tank.

I should mention, everyone here loves Aidan. When we first arrived, I got out of Jacob's truck to a couple of 'Hello Ry-ann's. Aidan got out and was met by shouts and cheers.

It's good to see him happy. :)

I wandered through a construction site... and didn't get hurt! ...much.
Jacob and I also stopped in at the Kairos Center (new building) to check out the computer classroom. It was awesome to see. You do have to be careful to dodge the occasional steel rebar sticking up out of nowhere in the floor, or avoid falling objects or people. I managed to get my occasionally clumsy self through mostly unscathed. There was an incident with the scaffolding, but we really don't need to go into detail on that.

What? Ok, fine. I ran flat out into a thick wooden pole. Why didn't I duck? Sadly, I already was...

One of the nicer homes.

A gentleman named Mr. Vun (sounds like voon) took me and Aidan for the aforementioned stroll. I'll cover Vun in a future post of people, but for now, I get to show you around a bit.

We headed along a nice dirt path through some homes. There weren't any landmines, other than the cow variety I warned you about. We got to meet a couple of people, and picked up some sugarcane juice.

There was an abundance of chickens and cows, as well as the occasional farmer. Vun picked some fruit off one of the trees to show Aidan, but warned us not to eat it due to possible worm infestation.

Life here is always interesting. ;)

Waved to him - got a smile in return.
As we headed back, we of course made sure to dodge the occasional moto, or at one point a large unidentifiable tractor thing.

Affectionately dubbed the 'cowbutt' photo by my wife. I could soooo take pictures for National Geographic!

It was a nice little walk, and as always, I got to meet some interesting people.

Too bad we couldn't snack along the way...
Just hack one down, shave it, and throw it in the fridge!

As for the rest of the day, I spent it doing odd jobs and teaching Aidan school. In all, a good day. I'm hoping to show you some new areas soon, and I still owe you a post or two about this Sak Saum place I keep mentioning.

Oh, right... almost forgot. You remember I mentioned that Aidan hanging out with Mara might actually inspire him to do chores?

Looks like I may just be less crazy than you thought!

Then again, I think walking across an island with a metal detector sounds like fun. I'll let you know when I finally get to pull that one off!

...are you ever going to stop looking at me like that?


  1. Loved the picture of Aidan in the chair. His eyes look so blue. It means a lot to know he is happy and has plenty of children to play with. Your walk was a stroll through paradise - it looks so lush, green & beautiful there.Enjoyed it a lot. Mom (What's the "prove you are not a robot" thing? Is it safe to type there?)

  2. Hi mom! The robot think is something google does to everyone. They want to make sure you are human. It's ok to type there.
