Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I learned a lesson!

I took over my dads blog today. Well, it's me, Aidan.

Look! I'm in charge!

I saw a new gecko. It was in my Tah's helmet today.

I put on the helmet and the gecko fell out.

My Tah once had ants in his helmet.

Lesson learned! Look before wearing.

The baby gecko was nice.

I'm cute!

It was veeerrry cute.

It's hot on my balcony!

My daddy is handsome.

My daddy is weird too!

My daddy is nice.

Hard at work.

My daddy did not pay me to say that!


  1. Great blog Aidan. I'll bet your dad did
    pay you to say he's handsome but the
    wierd part was your idea. Keep on
    stealing his blog. I'm loving it.

  2. No, I didn't pay him. :p I'm glad you are enjoying though. :)
