Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lego Coral

Hello I am going to take over my daddy's blog.

The entrance.

I went to a hotel.

We got ice cream.

Mommy got me a big chunk of coral.

Valuable for science... and Legos.

We let it out to dry on the balcony.

I use the coral to play Lego Atlantis.

We also found pop-tabs, bottle caps... very small rocks...

We went treasure hunting.

We found a cell phone battery.

He loved this thing.

We saw an old fashioned telephone.

Lots of splashing, not much catching.

I got to play football with my Tah in the pool.

But my favorite thing was wave jumping with Mommy.


  1. Aidan - I liked your post. You are a lucky little boy to be able to go on such a trip
    and find so many treasures. The best part
    was spending time with your family. I love

  2. Yep, he loved every minute. He loves you too. :)
